[For more creativity ideas, check out A Whack on the Side of the Head. It will put "whitecaps" on your gray matter!]
Want to give yourself a cognitive advantage?
Got a big test? An important meeting? A must-close sales call?
Then go in mildly hungry, not fully sated.
Christopher Shea reports that researchers at Yale Medical School led by Tama Horvath have discovered that hungry mice take in information more quickly and retain it better as well. And these scientists believe that the same is probably true for humans too.
The researchers studied the pathways followed in mouse brains by ghrelin, a hormone produced by the stomach lining, when the stomach is empty. According to Shea, the scientists were surprised when,
they found that ghrelin was binding to cells not just in the primitive part of the brain that registers hunger (the hypothalamus) but also in the region that plays a role in learning, memory and spatial analysis (the hippocampus).
The researchers then put mice injected with ghrelin and control mice through a maze and other intelligence tests. In each case, the biochemically ''hungry'' mice -- mice infused with ghrelin -- performed notably better than those with normal levels of the hormone.
Horvath says this finding makes sense: "When you are hungry, you need to focus your entire system on finding food in the environment.''
This explains why our thinking abilities seem to deteriorate right after a big meal. This also explains why doing a seminar or speaking right after lunch (or dinner) is such a challenge; I can attest to this from personal experience.
For better thinking, stay hungry!
[For more creativity ideas, check out A Whack on the Side of the Head. This book will put "whitecaps on your gray matter!"]
Huh! This isn't true for me. If I am even the slightest bit hungry, all I can think of is the hunger; I get cranky and I can't focus on the project at hand.
Posted by: Tiara | 21 December 2006 at 04:57 PM
Hi Tiara! Thanks for stopping by. You've got some interesting blogs.
I guess hunger affects people in different ways. If I'm famished — and my blood sugar level is low — I'm not very effective. But I function pretty well when I'm moderately hunger.
If I have an important presentation to make, I try to make sure that I've eaten at least three hours beforehand.
Posted by: Roger von Oech | 21 December 2006 at 05:51 PM
This brings me back to High School. I used to Wrestle, which means we "sucked weight" (translation, starving ourselves to make a lower weight class). And through it all you had to push your body to the limit.
Thinking back, I remember being grumpy but also more alert and in-tune with things.
Also, there are many religious practices that involve fasting. This is something with roots to the ancient world. I think they were on to something as the intention of fasting was to bring spiritual clarity. Also, I've heard medical reports that talk about physical benefits (detox). while staying well hydrated of course.
Maybe I'll try it (after the holidays of course).
Posted by: David Armano | 21 December 2006 at 09:05 PM
Hey David,
Why not kick off '07 with a month o' fasting? It would give you a lot of hallucinatory insights you could share with all of us!
Posted by: Roger von Oech | 22 December 2006 at 06:44 AM
The hallucinatory diet? I like the sound of that Roger!
Posted by: David Armano | 22 December 2006 at 08:04 AM
This is absolutely true for me. I do my best work when I am slightly hungry. I also get the most done..
Posted by: Jason Drohn | 23 December 2006 at 08:18 PM
We just talked about this with a colleague (when we were very hungry). Our completely non-scientific two-person focus group came to the conclusion that when somewhat hungry, you always aim to do "that ONE thing before going to lunch". Because of the hunger, you more effectively zone out distractions and concentrate on getting the thing done -- because THEN you get to eat.
But after that one thing might you often notice another one thing that just might be small enough to do before lunch, too.... and so on. Starving becomes flow. ;)
Posted by: Niko Nyman | 24 December 2006 at 01:13 AM
The only thing I can find wrong with this theory is that if it were true then supermodels would be geniuses.
But then what do I know? I've just had lunch...
Posted by: Richie | 24 December 2006 at 07:28 AM
I don't remember whether I heard it on Christian talk radio or in church, but I heard one time from someone who was not an advocate of traditional fasting that it's best to show up at church just a little bit hungry... The premise was that it makes you more receptive and eager.
Nice thoughts.
Posted by: Cam Beck | 29 December 2006 at 07:42 AM
Islam teaches "Eat when you are hungry. Stop before you are full".
Posted by: yem | 27 August 2008 at 03:38 PM
Maimonides suggests thinking of your stomach in thirds. One third for food, one third for drink, and one third should be left empty.
Also, personal experience and verification by many friends who have done extended cleansing fasts has shown that mental clarity is extremely sharp when the body isn't expending energy on digestion.
Posted by: Jack Frend | 09 December 2008 at 09:51 AM
Oh man! this is fantastic information!!!!! Thanks a lot for sharing this!! no wonder I cant concentrate in any of my classes after lunch and cant study much at night after dinner.
Probly why my aunts, who fast twice a week, are so intelligent.
Posted by: prateek | 15 March 2009 at 11:10 AM
I believe this might just be true as I have myself seen the results. I generally take tests almost empty stomachs and have seen that I can write better answers without pausing to think or recall in between.
Posted by: Aniket | 29 June 2009 at 11:50 AM
This is true, but i cannot stand that kinda feeling you get whe your hungry. My problem is that if i dont eat a lot i feel like i could "puke". Dunno why...happens to you as well?
Posted by: Wicker | 05 July 2009 at 09:13 AM
Hungry? naa...i dont think so, it think that we dont suffer from hunger...its just a mind thing
Posted by: CheapNet | 06 August 2009 at 04:25 AM
Mmm, this is very interesting. When I was a kid I was always told I should eat a proper meal before an exam. Perhaps that wasn't a good idea. I know that if I eat a lot of carbs (eg a pizza) I feel tired afterwards so obviously learning would be impaired from that perspective.
Posted by: Bev | 17 December 2009 at 09:53 AM
This is true for me, I used to have neglectful parents that wouldn't feed me, and my memory was incredible. Also I would have a lot of creative ideas to get money and get food. And then...I'd go stupid.
It might also be cause when you've had a big meal, blood is away from your brain participating in the digestion process.
Posted by: Alex | 11 October 2010 at 08:56 AM
It's so amazing that they can do those test on mouses and know how we would react on it.
Posted by: Live voetbal | 29 October 2010 at 05:08 AM
This is probably true. In my experience whenever I take a test a bit hungry, or even studying, I have more concentration and focus at my disposal. It's kinda obvious that your eyes and stomache are connected with a "stomache full, eyes closed musle" :)
Posted by: Sage | 30 October 2010 at 02:33 PM
This was a very interesting article. Great post. film kijken
Posted by: film kijken | 23 November 2010 at 02:26 AM