In my recent post "Waking Up With the Goldberg Variations," I described the joy I've been experiencing listening to this set of 32 short pieces written by J.S. Bach.
One of the neat things about the blogosphere is that I got to hear from a number of people (either through their comments or private emails) who also enjoy this work. I'd like to point to two of these.
The first is Yuzu, who describes herself as a "self-taught hobbyist." She did the above pencil-drawing of Bach. She has also done drawings of many artists — including two of Glenn Gould — which you can see by visiting her site On Nocturnal Avenue 2. It's good stuff!
The other is Jorge Camoes, who is an "information visualization" professional. He challenged me to check out Uri Caine's "very personal" rendition of the "Goldberg Variations." I bought a copy, and I can report back to you that it's wonderfully inventive and playful. I think that Bach would really get a kick out of it. It consists of 70 different pieces that include: single harpsichord, choral ensemble, jazz trio, spoken word poems, and so on. Uri Caine has given me a lot of enjoyment. Thanks for the recommendation, Jorge.
Wow! Thank you, Roger, for such an incredible introduction!
This is something.
Would you like more Goulds?
Here they are--
Once again, thank you very much.
Posted by: yuzu | 14 March 2007 at 05:55 AM