Roger von Oech

Creative Think

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Valeria Maltoni


What a wonderful opportunity to meet Virginia Postrel. I really enjoy her style: writing and thinking. In Italy, we were secretly hoping to keep design all to ourselves... and I am really glad it spread. Just today I was discussing the importance of design as container of experience with Steve Roesler from All Things Workplace (blog).

Shakespeare's Fool

When Jonathan Rotenberg ran The Boston Computer Society it was the largest organization of its type in the world. (Near the beginning of the creation of organizations of its type it had — for a year or three— more members in California than any of those based in California.)
I think a major reason for his success was design.
In a world filled with the aesthetic horrors of dot matrix printing, Jonathan insisted on high quality design for of all the Society’s marketing materials and for its flagship publication “Computer Update.”
Of course, he had to do many other things right in order to succeed as he did. But his relentless pursuit of excellence in design attracted people to the services the Society provided.
You and Virginia Postrel are right to point out the power of design.

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