Roger von Oech

Creative Think

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Lori Greenberg

Hi Roger.

I've nominated your site for a Thinking Blogger award in an attempt to turn more people on to the info that you share.

If you're interested in checking it out you can see the post where you're nominated here:

Thanks for the great content!

ann michael

Cool idea! Thanks for the love!

Paul McEnany

Nicely done, Roger. I believe you just took my randomness and made it cool! :)

Hey, thanks for the link. I told Paul at most I would link to five or six at a time because by number seven, I'd lose my mind.


Liz Strauss

Hi Roger! Wow!
This is fabulous and every one of them inspiring. I keep coming back to go through more. So much work here. What a value!

Kevin Hillstrom

I was categorized under "SO" with Paul.

With you, I was categorized under the word "DIFFICULT".

Hence, my blog can be referred to as ... "SO DIFFICULT"!

Thanks for the mention,

Tony D. Clark

I love that I'm linked to from "IS." Very Zen.

Thanks! This is a cool idea.

Roger von Oech

Looks like you're all enjoying yourselves digging through the kernels!

Katie Chatfield

I'm a big fan of popcorn and randomness0 cheers Roger!

Kate Trgovac

Hi, Roger! Fun post! It's so strange .. my (ahem) ego feeds show my little blog as being linked, but I'll be darned if I can find the link. Extra special hidden link-love perhaps?

Cheers .. Kate

Nedra Weinreich

Thanks for the "of" love, Roger. Fun idea!

Lewis Green

I went from a preposition at Paul's to a contraction. I'll take that as a step up. Thanks for all the hard work here Roger.


Thanks for the link Roger. Loving the link love idea...

Moda di Magno

As shucks Roger! How awesome to be a part of your poetic popcorn. My husband is laughing that I am linked via "only" ~~~ LOL!

Valeria Maltoni

I love popcorn, the one made with hot air only, no butter, little salt. And a movie, of course. I am finally "his" ;-)

Stephen Denny

Destiny is a great link. It's also a fantastic stage name, depending on your professional aspirations, but that's a different post altogether.

It's also a very open ended and thought provoking question.

Instapundit is a great "bone" too. No need to comment on how appropriate "playful" is, either. Wonderful post, very appropriate. Must go and meditate on destiny now. Damn. If only you linked me to "nap" or something.

Matt Haverkamp

This is awesome. Thanks for the link Roger. I hungry.

Becky Carroll

Roger, I love popcorn! Thanks for putting together such a great post to snack on. Plus, me as the word "judge" just makes me think, as you often do.

I even saw a few "unpopped kernels" in there!

Thanks for making link love so much yummy fun. You rock!

Roy Jacobsen

Thanks for the link. That format was a great idea.

isabella mori

oh, roger, thanks for associating my blog with "useful"! hmmm ... i'll have lots of blogs to munch on for the coming week ...

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