This past weekend, my wife and I went to the amazing BodyWorlds 2 exhibit currently showing at the San Jose Tech Museum of Innovation. I highly recommend this touring presentation to anyone wanting to get to know himself/herself better.
One of the displays was about the human brain. Over it was a very large display poster with the following writing:
Think Like A WoMan
Various studies suggest men and women have differently structured neural networking possibly due to early exposure to sex hormones during critical prenatal and postnatal periods.
The physiological difference in the brain is especially obvious in the hypothalamus, a tiny structure at the base of the brain. In males, it is much larger and saturated with the male sex hormone testosterone.
Men and women seem to think differently too, approaching intellectual problems in different ways. Yet although different brain regions are activated, they may well arrive at the same solution.
Women's brains have more neuron cell bodies, giving them an enhanced blood flow and greater efficiency. This may explain why women often learn language better, have a better memory for details, and can fight aging better than men.
On average, women are more empathetic, expressive, articulate, and diplomatic, and better able to sense what others feel.
Male brains contain more of the longer neuron fibers, allowing distant neurons to communicate better. Therefore, men may be better at focusing on a specific task, orienting themselves spatially, or solving complex math or physics problems.
On average, men are more physically violent but better at coping with conflict and moving on.
Here's my question: What differences do you notice in how men and women approach problems and problem-solving?
The one thing that I have experienced about men is that they seem less forgiving...they tend to hold grudges. With their friends, a parent or a girlfriend...Even tho your information says that they are able to move on easier, I believe they often move on without resolve...I think women (in general of course) may "hold on" longer, simply because we need closure, we need to understand, we need to be able to keep peace with everyone before we can "move on".
Men (again, in general) can let go--on the outside--but may not forgive or work toward resolve on the inside.
Perhaps this has something to do with the overall violence they feel too.
Just an early morning thought.
Sure love your blog!
Posted by: Julie Hibbard | 21 November 2007 at 05:23 AM
Here's something that you might find interesting.
A few months ago, Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert), did an experiment. Even he acknowledges that it's not scientific by any means, but the results are still interesting.
His basic hypothesis, which was more or less supported by the experiment, women require a more explicit invitation than men to take action.
Just something that your post reminded me of. =).
Posted by: Derrick Kwa | 21 November 2007 at 07:19 AM
Oh, forgot to post the link. His comments on his experiment can be found here:
Posted by: Derrick Kwa | 21 November 2007 at 07:21 AM
Thanks for this reminder of how the differences between men and woman compliment one another. This quote helps dilute the value judgments placed on our different ways of being.
One insight into how we approach problem solving in groups: men tend to assume a hierarchy and vie for power, while women solicit the wisdom of the circle for an agreeable solution.
For more insight into our brains and hormones, read The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, M.D. From the back flap: "Thoughts about sex enter a woman's brain once every couple of days but enter a man's brain about once every minute?"
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Wendy | 21 November 2007 at 11:07 AM
Wendy: 'men tend to assume a hierarchy and vie for power, while women solicit the wisdom of the circle for an agreeable solution.' Have you ever been around a group of adolescent ladies? Ooooh they're both for competitive and territorial.
Roger: If men are better at focusing on a specific task or solving complex math problems, why are they often portrayed as buffoons in advertising media?
Posted by: Alex | 21 November 2007 at 02:45 PM
I believe that we men always try to find the right answer to problems. Women definitely show more natural creativity in finding options. How am I so sure? There's a dialog with my wife:
- Honey, which shoes look better: the red ones or the black ones?
- I think the black ones.
- OK, I'll take both pairs.
Posted by: Jorge Castillo | 21 November 2007 at 03:52 PM
I agree: Men tend to be problem-solvers, while women seem to gravitate toward consensus to solve a problem. That leads me to believe that in general women are less self-assured and comfortable with their ideas than are men.
Posted by: Lewis Green | 27 November 2007 at 07:31 AM
in my observation, women tend to have easier access to their inner world than men. of course this may partially be because of social conditioning.
it's always important to remember that these are just TENDENCIES. in a room of 1,000 men and women, we'll probably find a higher proportion of women with easy access to their inner experience. that doesn't mean that when we take any ONE man or woman, this difference would be true for them as individuals.
Posted by: isabella mori | 04 December 2007 at 03:03 PM
Wow. Very nice article and informative too. Have you read this one it looks at how to be a woman at a different angle.
Posted by: Luther | 11 May 2009 at 07:08 AM