Roger von Oech

Creative Think

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Dean Fuhrman

For some reason I find that a major disappointment. Glad you were able to pin down an answer though.

Roger von Oech

Dean: All the security people were friendly and professional. But this was hardly a hostile locale. It was the end of a suburban cul-de-sac.


It's only after a lot of training that someone can answer that question. Anyone who can answer that question merely on a job application is naive, crazy or suicidal.

Roger von Oech

CJ: You're probably right. What I should have asked him was: "At any time during your training right up to the point of being administered the oath were you ever asked, 'Would you be willing to take a bullet for the person you were guarding?'"


Roger: Having a little background in this area, I will add that the 'pop' concept of taking a bullet (jumping in front of the target) is a borderline nonsensical ie - focusing on the bullet. The idea is to protect the subject or take out the attacker. Oh and if a secret service agent "takes a bullet" for the president - what about the second bullet, and the third? ; )

Roger von Oech

CJ: What you say makes sense. Big gulf between the "pop" view and what's actually going on!

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