Serial entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki has a brand new venture. It's called Alltop, a blog aggregator currently following selected blogs (and sites) around fifteen categories such as Science, Oddities, Egos*, and Small Business.
I like the clean layout of this site; it's very easy to grasp what's going on.
A nifty feature is that when you put your cursor over a particular blog post, the first three or four sentences of that post pop up, and you're able to get the gist of what that author is thinking about without going to his/her site. Quite a time-saver. This allows you to cover a lot of ground. For example, if you go to the Mac category, you can imagine that you're Robert Scoble "reading a river of information" and get over 200 Mac-related articles in just minutes.
I've found Alltop to be a good place to go when my mind is stale and I'm tired of going to the places I typically go to.
Alltop is especially rewarding if you go to a category you don't spend a lot of time thinking about. For me, that's Fashion. There I can follow Almost Dressed, Style Hive, and Go Fug Yourself, among others. Delving into these is a wonderfully delicious way to get a fresh perspective. The Science category is also a useful place to go.
I asked Guy how he planned to "monetize the site," and he said, "We'd love to get a million eyeballs, and then we'll see what happens." It pays to think big!
Check it out!
*You can find me there right under Rosie O'Donnell (serving as a protective buffer for David Armano).
Thanks for the plug. You're remarkably open to new idea for someone so old. :-)
Posted by: Guy Kawasaki | 19 February 2008 at 10:41 AM
Guy: Good luck with the Alltop venture!
As "Someone so old," I'll share with you this piece of perennial wisdom from the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus:
"Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possess the power of kings."
It's all in the playful mindset. : - )
Posted by: Roger von Oech | 19 February 2008 at 11:25 AM
I admit a bias for science and fashion, too. Good to be in your neighborhood, Roger. There are days I can use being more creative!
Posted by: Valeria Maltoni | 20 February 2008 at 06:28 AM
I was excited when they added a nonprofit page to as well. It has helped me get ideas and know what is going on in a particular area.
Posted by: Roger Carr | 11 March 2008 at 08:48 AM
If you want to buy a car, you would have to receive the personal loans. Moreover, my mother always uses a bank loan, which supposes to be the most rapid.
Posted by: Webster35Deloris | 11 August 2011 at 05:56 PM