I've turned the popular Creative Whack Pack card deck into an iPhone app. Go here for more information.
I spent the past three months working on it with Phil Dhingra, an Austin developer. It was a fun and energizing experience.
Like the card deck, the App consists of 64 creativity strategies that will provoke and inspire your thinking.
But App contains many, many more stories, examples, illustrations, and questions. In addition, it has features such as a "Whack of the Day," creative workshops, and an in-depth Index for quick strategy retrieval.
Lots of playability! Use it by yourself or with others!
Apple was really good to work with on this project. I had been an Apple developer in the early 90s, and back then Apple seemed out-of-touch and arrogant. On this go around, it has been significantly easier to create product with them.
I'm quite happy with the result. Go ahead check it out: info.
Here's a very nice review by Chuck Frey at Innovation Tools: The Creative Whack Pack Makes an Impressive Transition to iPhone/iTouch Platform.
David Armano at Logic + Emotion had some good things to say here A Creativity Workshop in Your Pocket and here.
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