It's time again for some inspiration from Heraclitus, the world's first creativity teacher (he lived around 500 BC). Today's insight is: “I searched into myself.”
Heraclitus felt that consulting our own knowledge and intuition is a wonderful way to gain insight. Unfortunately, some of us never learned this lesson. Much of our educational system is an elaborate game of "guess what the teacher is thinking," and we come to believe that the best ideas are in someone else's head rather than our own. Heraclitus reminds us that there are good ideas within ourselves if we are willing to dig deeply enough.
I believe there's a creative strategy in Heraclitus' insight, and it is:
We can emulate Heraclitus by searching for own creative tendencies. Here are six of mine:
1. I get my ideas either when I'm under a lot of pressure — "the ultimate inspiration is the deadline" — or when I'm away from the problem altogether. I rarely get them when I'm doing routine tasks that require some attention.
2. If I'm mentally blocked in trying to solve a problem, it's usually because I'm in love with a particular idea — so much so that it prevents me from looking for alternatives. Only when I force myself to become detached from it and "kiss it goodbye" do I find new answers. Letting go of a previously cherished idea can be one of life's great pleasures.
3. I try to pay attention to small things: how much frowning takes place in beer commercials, what sorts of patterns dead leaves make around a storm drain, and so on. I do this partly because I've trained myself to do it, but also because I've been forced to. I'm left-handed, but the world is designed for right-handed people — something most "righties" don't even think about. I'm constantly being made conscious of how things are put together. For example, telephone booths are designed to make right-handed people feel comfortable and at ease, but lefties can feel clumsy using them.
4. My own ego can get in the way of discovering new things. However, if I allow myself to lower my resistance to those ideas that I typically dismiss as irrelevant or unattractive, I find that they can become doorways to solutions I've been overlooking.
5. I don't know what I don't know. I've got a big blind spot, and the only way to get access to what's lurking out there is to put myself in a humble, receptive frame of mind (not always easy to do) and ask others to point out what I'm not seeing.
6. Rejection of my work in the early phases of the creative process doesn't bother me. I'm not afraid of taking one of my less than stellar ideas and asking complete strangers what they think of it. I find their responses frank and refreshing.
Questions: What's your creative style? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Excellent (and timely!) post. My education was one of learning how to learn. I am often reminded and remain awed by the links to current creative challenges are informed not just by that process, but by the resources and references I gained even long ago while learning it.
And, as Werner von Braun is quoted:
"Research is what I do when I don't know what to do".
All the best, and welcome back Heraclitus!
(I want to be an enigma, someday, too!)
Posted by: Randy Bosch | 22 November 2009 at 07:16 AM
Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.
Posted by: nintendo dsi r4 | 25 November 2009 at 02:52 AM
Hi Roger,
Great post!
I'm with you on #1. I find that for myself, though stressful for the moment, being under pressure produces some great creative results. There's something about a deadline that forces me to come up with something, anything - and usually what proceeds when I'm up against the wall is much more interesting than if I'd had all the time in the world.
And giving ourselves freedom to just come up with "anything," no matter how far-fetched it may sound will many times uncover an idea or problem solution that will really work.
Posted by: Melissa Williams | 10 December 2009 at 07:14 PM
that's great post My education was one of learning how to learn.Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out
Posted by: All inclusive family resorts | 03 January 2010 at 10:26 PM
So right...i totally agree..i am left brain myself..and am working hard to bring out my right brain...your posts are very interesting will be reading them ...thanks
Posted by: maria | 06 February 2010 at 10:12 AM
Amazingly true indeed!!! the second point has actually made me focus on the more important existing strength rather than a new creative idea...
Posted by: Amit Pandey | 30 August 2010 at 11:22 PM
I think my creativity style stems from past experience and things that I love. I'm happy to see that others are similar to mine.. I think this was an interesting thing to read.
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Posted by: Sarah | 09 December 2010 at 02:36 PM