Roger von Oech

Creative Think

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He's all set to bring Gotham to its knees...

Easy Essay

Thats soo Funny.... :))




I'm a bit squeamish about this after seeing "There's Something About Mary" (fish hook scene)


Interesting, haha

resume writing

OMG, it's bizarre.. I need to give it a try :)

Douglas ( MLM Business Opportunity )

Did the Joker have one?

ERP Software Solution

That really to funny


HAHAHA wonderful!!
Another idea useful to give away smiles to freinds! XD

Ben Terry

Nice one, ive seen this done before but this guys smile seems to suit it all the more,

like your website however you almost scared me off when i seen your picture on your header, i thought you were some type of cult leader

you look evil

lol joking

good site


Nice post reallyyyyyy funny.


Simply put "Magnifico!". Can not wait for more. Happiness worldwide. You have brought tears to the eyes of this old woman!

Violin Master Pro Review

Creative & very funny. It makes my day..

Geoffrey Talbot

Dude this is a really creative blog I love it.

These above picture looks potentially painful? Is it more damaging to the lips or the ears.

I am thinking the lips. If you added Botox this could be a great way to create a permagrin?

Just saying. Thanks for sharing.


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